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SHELTIE-LIST is a discussion list for and about the Shetland Sheepdog. There are people on this list from all walks of life and with all types of experience with Shelties. There are a number of breeders and exhibitors in conformation, and many on the list train and show in obedience, tracking, herding, or agility. Most people on the list are probably owners of one or two Shelties that they love and live with primarily as pets. There are even one or two who don't own Shelties at present -- but they have an interest in the breed. There is a vast amount of experience in the breed we all love on this list. If you have a question or a problem, someone on the list will probably be able to give you some insight into it.

To use this page, simply enter your email address, and click the button that corresponds to what you want to do. Then click on the "Send the message" button. Enjoy!

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